Digital Marketing have become very complex and the only way to survive online is to follow SEO practices that are proven to work. For more than 10+ years now, Social Media Marketing is our core business and the backbone of any effective digital marketing campaign. We provide SEO Training and Digital Marketing training since 2019. Over the years we have helped many great companies increase their business. Learn digital marketing from 10+ years experienced teachers.

Learn Digital Marketing Course In Hisar

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Digital selling is any reasonably selling that happens on a digital platform. whether or not it’s on your web site, your social media, or through email, it’s digital selling. On the opposite hand, arriving selling could be a business methodology that draws customers by making valuable content and experiences tailored to them. It’s how to plug (usually mistreatment digital selling tactics) that attracts in qualified leads, instead of blasting a message bent on a mass audience. The Digital selling Certification Course can teach you the way to become a good digital trafficker with Associate in Nursing inbound-first mental attitude.

Course Curriculum

With Us, You will learn about:

Course Details

What You Will Learn With Us

Introduction to Digital Marketing

In this module, you will be introduced to digital marketing from the very beginning. Keeping in mind the diverse background of students, courses equip students right from the basics of digital marketing. Following are some important topics covered here:

> What is digital marketing?
> Importance of digital marketing
> Difference between traditional and digital marketing
> Discuss the recent trends and current scenario of the industry
> How digital marketing has been a tool of success for companies?
> How to use digital marketing to increase sales
> How to conduct a competitive analysis?
> Case studies on digital marketing strategs

Website Planning and Creation

Businesses create a website to generate leads, increase their credibility among consumers, and deliver their marketing messages. Today, no matter how small-scale a business is, they still have a website. Because of its growing importance, the right course will teach you to create a website from scratch on WordPress.

In this module, the topics covered are the various elements of a website and every function WordPress can perform along with all the information you need to know to build a website from the very beginning like how to add content, install and activate plugins, and how to incorporate design elements to your website.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is essentially making alterations to your website, so it organically ranks first on a search engine’s results page (SERP). It is arguably the heaviest part of the course, however certain institutes teaching methods and support make it easier for students.

In this module, you will learn about the various search engines and their algorithms. You will learn about the various factors in play to make a website rank first on a search engine’s result page & master the different aspects of SEO like on-page and off-page optimization, keywords research, meta tags, meta description, link building, and more.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing or SEM involves the advertising of a company’s website by increasing its visibility on a search engine’s result page (SERP) principally by paid efforts. Most of the courses will teach you how to carry out SEM activities via the Google Ads platform.

You will learn all the features of the Google Ads platform and its algorithm, based on which the advertisements rank on the SERP. Following this, you will learn how to use the Google Keyword Planner. Here you will learn about search volume, cost-per-click (CPC), customer lifetime value (CLV), and other such metrics.

As a part of the course module, an advanced comprehensive course will also teach how to write a compelling ad copy, URL, ad description, and call-to-action (CTA).

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM) involves paid as well as organic marketing techniques on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and more to drive traffic to a company’s website. In this module, you will learn to create effective social media strategies on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Snapchat, etc.

You will learn to target the right audience, build a social media campaign, write ad copies and ad creatives. In addition to this, you will also learn the various metrics involved in SMM like cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-view (CPV), cost-per-impression (CPM), and more.

Content Marketing & Strategy

Content Marketing is the comprehensive strategy to attract or retain a target audience by creating and sharing relevant and valuable content; eventually to impel a profitable action. This module comprises exhaustive training sessions that delve into content marketing and its importance.

Here, you will learn in-depth about the various types of content and how to capitalize on trending topics. Besides this, you will also learn about content bucketing and how to create a social media content calendar for a brand. If you choose the right course, they might also show you case studies on successful content marketing strategies of brands for deeper understanding.

Web Analytics

Web Analytics is analyzing a website visitor’s behavior. In this module, you will learn how to track and analyze a website visitor’s actions via Google Analytics.

Courses take you through the entire Google Analytics interface and familiarize you with all the analytics terminology like bounce rate, page view, session time, etc. You will also learn how to optimally use Google Analytics to decode a website’s audience, behavior, and acquisition reports.

By the end of the module, you will learn how to track a website visitor down the conversion funnel and what information to extract from it.

Digital Media Planning and Buying

Media Planning is determining when, where, and how often to advertise to maximize conversions and ROI. In this module, you will learn what media buying is and its various types. Courses also familiarize you with all the media buying terminologies like cost-per-install (CPI), cost-per-order (CPO), cost-per-acquisition (CPA), click-through-rate (CTR), etc.

You will also delve into platform-based Ad space, and media planning and budgeting. You will be adept at building an effective media planning and buying strategy by the end of the course.