Refund and Cancellation Policy

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Refund and Cancellation Policy – Digital Teachion

Cancellation Policy

  1. Domain Name Registration Services: Once purchased, domain names cannot be cancelled until the term expires. Domains are managed globally by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and we have no control over their cancellation.

  2. Service Renewals: Cancellations for ongoing services like website promotion, hosting, or domain registration must be requested at least ten (10) business days before the current service period ends. Requests received later will apply to the next service period.

  3. Promotional Offers: Services offered under promotional or discount periods are non-refundable. These are limited-time offers, and cancellations are not accepted under any circumstances.

  4. Account Termination: Digital Teachion reserves the right to cancel any account without notice or refund.

  5. Website Designing & Development: Payments for cancelled projects cannot be refunded. A deposit of half the payment must be made to the Digital Teachion account before cancelling any project.

Refund Policy

At Digital Teachion, we strive to deliver high-quality services that meet our clients’ expectations. If a client is dissatisfied, we offer a refund under specific conditions.

  1. Processing Time: Refunds are processed within 10 working days and are issued either as account credits or through direct deposit to the client’s bank account.

  2. Payment Method: Refunds for credit card payments are credited back to the original card used for purchase. Payments made via our payment gateway are refunded to the same bank account.

  3. Non-Refundable Services: Domain name registration/transfers and related services are non-refundable. Once a domain name is purchased, it remains with the owner until its term expires.

  4. Eligibility: Refunds are only applicable to first-time accounts. Accounts that have been canceled and reactivated or multiple accounts with us are not eligible for refunds.

  5. Exclusions: Dedicated servers, administrative fees, custom software installation fees, and domain name purchases are non-refundable. Refunds for shared and reseller accounts after the initial 30 days will be prorated based on unused time.

  6. Tax Refunds: Taxes cannot be refunded as they are remitted to the government monthly. Clients may explore reclaiming taxes directly from the authorities.

  7. Project Initiation: No refunds will be issued once our team has commenced work on a project, website, or software development.

  8. Quotation Period: Refunds will not be initiated after 7 days from the date of the quotation.

For any inquiries regarding our Refund and Cancellation Policy, please contact us at:

Phone: +91 77770-08258
Address: E-203, 2nd Floor, Pushpa Complex Hisar Haryana-125001


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